
associate professor

Yang Pingzhan

Editor:jky Date:2018-04-10 Views:


Yang Pingzhan,male, born in 1963 in Changsha, an associate professor, is a master tutor ofHunan Normal University of educational technology. Professor Yang mainlystudies the environment and resources construction of the informatization of educationand the information technology teaching materials and teaching methods.

Professor Yangis currently the Executive Director of the Chinese Association for EducationalTechnology, the Deputy Chairman of the Educational Technology Committee of theHunan Association of Higher Education. He has ever been the former Director ofthe Hunan Normal University Electrified Education Centre and the Department Headof Educational Technology Department. He was the Visiting Scholar inEducational Technology Department, East China Normal University. He acted asthe team leader of audit experts who reviewing Hunan basic education textbook,Information Technology, and he was the group leader of experts who work for primaryand secondary school teachers continue education's information technologydiscipline


One. Publications

1. ElectrifiedEducation Curriculum, Hunan Science and Technology Press,1993.

2. ElectrifiedEducation,Central South Industrial University Press, 1996.

3. ElectrifiedEducationSkills, Hunan Normal University press, 1998.

4. Introductionto Educational Technology, Hunan University press, 2000.

5. Introductionto Modern Educational Technology, Hunan University press, 2001.

6. HighSchool Information Technology Operation Manual (5 volumes in total), Hunanscience and Technology Press, 2009.

7. InformationTechnology (8 volumes in total), Southern Press, 2010.

8. InformationTechnology Teaching Reference (volume1& volume2),southern press, 2010.

9. InformationTechnology Practices Manual (4 volumes in total), Hunan Scienceand Technology Press, 2011.

Two. The main academic papers

1. TheConstruction of Self-training Model of Teacher Information Technology Traininge-Education Research, 2004, (2), the first author,and the core journal.

2. StrengtheningReflection on Improving the Professional Level of Information TechnologyTeachers,Forum on Contemporary Education, 2007, (5), the first author, the core journal,CSSCI.

3. TheEnlightenment of MIT's Open Courseware (OCW) on theConstruction of Excellent Courses in Chinese Universities,Journal of Hunan First Normal University, 2007, (2), the first author. 

4.Applicationof Behavioral Information Entropy in Quantitative Analysis of Teaching Process, TheScience Education Article Collects 2009, (1), first author.

5. Thoughtson Incentives for Learners in the Design of Online Learning Resources, TEACHER,2009, (1), first author.

6. Discussionon theTeaching Behavior Classification System VICS, TEACHER,2009, (3), firstauthor.

7. Analysisof Courseware Development of Streaming(流动) Media Network,Education Information Technology, 2009, (9), firstauthor

8, Comparative analysis ofLearning Systems in Online Courses, Software Guide,2011,(11), first author.

9. Designof the Teaching System in the Context of Postmodernism,TEACHER,2011, (2), the first author.

10. Astudy on the Design of the Curriculum Support System Based on the Students, ChinaEducation Informationization2011,(2), the first author.

11. Mechanismof the Influence of Network Multimedia Control Classrooms on Teaching Effectiveness, TEACHER,2013, (3), the first author.

12. Analysisof science and technology activities course's support system based on the Connotationof learning environmentModernEducation Technology, 2009, (1), first author, core journal, CSSCI.

13. SoftwareEnterprise CAI Courseware Development Ramble, EducationalTechnology Information, 2006, (2), the first author.

14. TheDesign and Development of the Network Teaching Material System for the Courseof Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Schools,Scientific Consulting, 2007, (8), the first author.

15. Researchon the Construction of Excellent Network Courses, Modern EnterpriseEducation, 2008, (10), the first author.

16. Studyon the Theory of Multimedia Learning and the Design of Multimedia, ModernBusiness Trade Industry, 2009, (9), the first author.

17. ElectrifiedTeaching Embodied in Electrified Education,Collectionsof Studies on Curriculum, Textbook and Teaching Methods in Institutions ofHigher Learning (Higher Education Press),1989.  

18. TheExperimental Teaching Research of Electrochemistry Teaching Course,Hunan Electric Education, 1997, (2).

19. TheImplementation of the Network Courseware Development,National Computer Education Application Literature (Southwest Normal UniversityPress), 1999.

20. Designof Two-way Broadcasting and Control System, e- EducationResearch, 2000,2, the second author, the core journal, CSSCI.

21. TheSymbols and Media in Educational Communication, ModernEducation Research, 1997, (2).

22. ABrief Explanation of Human Body Media, Journal ofHunan Normal University, 1997, (12).

23. UsingAuthorware to Realize Multiple Button Effects, China EducationTechnology, 2003, (3), the second author, the core journal.

24. TheMathematics Teaching in the Information Environment, ChinaEducation Technology, 2004, (5), the second author, the core journal.

25. ABrief Discussion on the Similarities and Differences Between Video Intake andImage Intake, Journal of Education Science of Hunan NormalUniversity, 2002, (5).

26. PracticalTeaching of Closed-circuit Television Multimedia Interactive BroadcastingSystem, e-EducationResearch, 2000, (5), the second author, the core journal.

27. TheDevelopment and Application of the Additional Function of TeachingClosed-circuit Television, e-Education Research, 2003, the secondauthor, the core journal.

28. TheStandardization Construction of Education Technology Center in Colleges andUniversities, Chinese Education Research and Practice,2004, (6).


Three. The hosted Projects

 . Hostedthe Research Project of China's Higher Education Talent Training System at thebeginning of the 21st century: Distance learningbased on Internet and video conferencing systems (self-financing), 2000-2003.
  2.Presided over the Provincial Education Commission scientificresearch projects in colleges and universities: multimedia classroom teachingsystem research (self-financing), 1999-2001.

3. Hostedthe "10th Five-Year" teaching reform research project of Hunan NormalUniversity: Research and development of the teaching and training system forteacher's information technology education skill level training (0.4 millionyuan), 2002-2003.

4. Conductedthe “Subject to Cultivate Comprehensive and Creative Education SpecializedTalents” in the fifteen-education reform research of Hunan Normal University.Subtopic: Education Technology Curriculum and Teaching Reform Research of theChinese Academy of Education (0.5 million yuan), 2002-2006.

5. Hostedhorizontally commissioned projects of Hunan Science and Technology Press:Development of Information Technology Course Resource Bank (560000 yuan)2006-2008.
   6. Hostedthe multimediacourseware research project of Hunan Normal University's "InformationTechnology Education" (0.3 million yuan) 2007-2008.

7. Hostedthe provincial “Eleventh Five-Year” education planning project: InformationTechnology Teacher Education and Teaching Capacity Training System Development(0.5 million yuan), 2010-2013.

8. Hostingthe Education Reform Project of the Department of Education: Research andPractice of Training Models for Undergraduate Normal Students in theApplication of Modern Educational Technology: (10,000 yuan), 2013-2015.

Four, The main awards

"Nine-yearCompulsory Education Information Technology Learning Resource Bank"won the first prize of 2007 Hunan Province Education Informatization ScientificResearch Achievements.
  "The "Information Technology Pedagogy"Teaching Resources Library" won the first prize of Hunan Province CollegeMultimedia Teaching Software in 2008.
  "Development of Small-sized FM Transmitters" won thesecond prize of Provincial Electrified Education Achievement Award in 1996.


Five, Enrolment and research direction

Professor Yang recruitsgraduate students in educational technology. His research direction is theenvironment and resources construction of the school informatization ofeducation and the information technology teaching materials andteaching methods. At present, there are courses such as information technologyeducation and modern educational technology foundation for undergraduates, andthere are courses for postgraduates such as educational information processing,information teaching environment and resources, and three-dimensional teachingmaterial design and development.


Next:Boyi Zhang
