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Yiping Zhong

Editor:jky Date:2018-04-10 Views:


Yiping Zhong

Director of Cognition and Human Behavior KeyLaboratory of Hunan Province

Professor and Ph.D. supervisor in department ofpsychology, Hunan Normal University, China

E-mail ypzhong@hunnu.edu.cn

Office: 412 Room, Tian Jiabing College of Education,Hunan Normal University


Office Time: 8:00 - 11:30, 14:30 - 17:00Monday - Friday

Research fields

Cognitive psychology

Social cognition

Psychology for self

Methods of psychology

Society Membership and Honors

Director of the social psychology Association of Hunan Province

Member of the social psychologyAssociation of China

Vice director of the social psychology branch of the Chinese PsychologyAssociation

Member of the general psychology and experimental psychology branch of theChinese Psychology Association

Academic achievements


²   “The social psychological Means of nationalgreen lifestyle: Psychological construction and soft management”, Major projectof National social science funding, 2017NO.17ZDA326),2017-2022DirectorFunding6 hundred thousand RMB.

²    ”Study onMechanism and Intervention of Moral Decision: Effects of Self-relevance andRisk level.”National NaturalScience Foundation of China (NO.31671134), the GeneralProgram, 2017-2020, Director, Funding7 hundred thousand RMB

²    “The influence of selfprocessing on the reward processing among addicted people.” Open project of Key Laboratory of Mental Health, Institute of Psychology, CAS (NO.KLMH2014K04), 2015-2016, Director, 70 thousand RMB

²    The Self-Reference Degree Processing of CognitiveVulnerability of Depression Individuals: Evidence from ERPs. Hunan ProvincialNatural Science Foundation, the General ProgramNO.2015JJ2101, 2015-2017, Director, Funding40 thousand RMB.

²    The temporal study ondifferent degree of Self-Reference Processing: based on theimplicit electrophysiological evidence.Project supported by theSpecialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(Grant NO.20124306110010).20122015, Director, Funding: 120 thousand RMB. 

²    The study on the selfrelated information processing among Depression individuals.  Science study major project of Hunan Province Education Department (NO.11A076),2011-2014DirectorFunding: 40 thousand RMB. 

²   Thestudy on Mechanism and Variability of Implicit Self-positivity Bias. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO. 311710033), theGeneral Program, 2012-2015, Director, Funding5 hundred thousand RMB.

²   Which one is more regret? “ Doing effect” indecision-making: Evidence from ERPs. Social Science Foundation Project of Hunanprovince (NO.09YBB268),2009-2011,Director.

²    The Study on the development and promotion of social cognition of deafstudents. The key project of the Ministry of education of the NationalEducation Science "11th Five-Year"NO.DBA080171,2008-2010, Director.

²    The Study on cognitive processing model of Idioms. Research startingfund for the returnees of the Ministry of Education,NO. [2008]890,2008-2010, Director.

²    The social cognition ofdeaf students: Evidence from behavioral and ERPs. Key projects of Educational Science Planning in HunanprovinceNO.XJKO6AXL006,2006-2008, Director

Selected Publications:

Zhan Y, Xiao X, Li J, Liu L, Chen J, Fan W, Zhong Y(CA). Interpersonal relationship modulates the behavioral and neural responsesduring moral decision-making. Neuroscience Letters, 2018,672(13):15-21.doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2018.02.039

Li J, Zhan Y, Fan W, Liu L, Li M, Sun Y and Zhong Y(CA) Sociality Mental Modes Modulate the Processing of Advice-Giving: AnEvent-Related Potentials Study. Front. Psychol. 2018,9:42. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00042

Youlong Zhan, Xiao Xiao, Jie Chen, Jin Li, Wei Fan& Yiping Zhong(CA) . Consciously over Unconsciously PerceivedRewards Facilitate Self-face Processing: An ERP Study. Scientific Reports.2017, 7, 7836.doi:10.1038/s41598-017-08378-z

Zhong Yiping Li Jin, Wang Xiao. The Influence of Time PerspectiveTrait on Food Choice Preference: The Moderating Role of Construal Level onImplicit Preference.Journalof Psychological Science. 2017405):1161-1167.

Zhong Yiping; ZHAN Youlong; LI Jin;FAN Wei. Study on the mechanism andintervention of moral decision: Effects of self-relevance and risk level.Advances in Psychological Science, 2017, 257:1093–1102.

Zhong Yiping; Li Jin; Zhan Youlong;Fan Wei; Yang Zilu. Rotated self-face recognition: Evidence from ERPs. ActaPsychologica Sinica. 2016,48(11):13791389.

Fan W, Zhong Y(CA), Li J, Yang Z, Zhan Y, Cai Rand Fu X Negative Emotion Weakens the Degree of Self-Reference Effect: Evidencefrom ERPs. Front. Psychol. 2016, 7:1408. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01408.

Zhan Y, Chen J, Xiao X, Li J, Yang Z, Fan W and ZhongY(CA) Reward Promotes Self-Face Processing: An Event-Related PotentialStudy. Front. Psychol.. 2016, 7:735.doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00735.

Zhong Yiping, Huang Bolan, Cao Xin,Ouyang Yi. The Influence ofPerceived Power on Consumers’ Spending on Themselves and Others.Psychological Exploration, 2016,36(1): 52-58.

Zhong Yiping; Yang Zilu; Fan Wei. The Effects of Self-other Overlap onHelping Behavior: Moderating of Perspective Taking. Acta Psychologica Sinica.,2015, 47(8): 1050-1057.

Jie Chen, Qing Shui, Yiping Zhong (CA).Self-esteem modulates automatic attentional responses to self-relevant stimuli:Evidence from event-related brain potentials. Frontiers in HumanNeuroscience. 2015, 9:376.doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.003769, 376.

Yi Ouyang, Yi Zhu, Wei Fan, Qianbao Tan, YipingZhong(CA). People higher in self-control do not necessarily experience morehappiness:  Regulatory focus  also affects subjective well-being. Personalityand Individual Differences. 2015, 86:406–411.

Zhong YipingCao Xin. The Effect of Behavior Performanceon Different Ways to Improve Self-esteem. Psychological Exploration, 2015, 35(3):239-243.

Zhong Yiping, Cai Ronghua , Fan Wei,Yang Zilu, Yu Tao, Wu Yun. The Degree of Self-reference Effect of Introverted Individuals. Journal of PsychologicalScience.2015,38(3): 672-679.

Zhong Yiping, Xu Wenjuan, Yi Wenting,Yang Zilu. The Judgment of PowerRelated Words: Size Effect and Controllability.Journal of Psychological Science. 2015,38(2):383-387.

Zhong Yi-ping, YANG Zi-lu, FAN Wei. The Effects of Self-other Overlapand Perspective Taking Categories on Willingness for Help.Chinese Journal of ClinicalPsychology,2015, 23(1):63-66.

Qianbao Tan, Youlong Zhan, Shanshan Gao, Wei Fan, JieChen, Yiping Zhong (CA). Closer the relatives are, more intimate andsimilar we are: Kinship effects on self-other overlap. Personality andIndividual Differences.2015,73: 7–11.

Zhong Yi-ping, CHEN Zhi-yong, LUO Xi,WANG Xi-ai, YI Wen-ting. Effects of Self-affirmation on Self-esteem and Self-evaluation. Chinese Journal of ClinicalPsychology,2014,22(3):390-393

Zhong Yi-ping, WANG Xi-ai, FAN Wei, QIGuang-wei, DU Fen.Self-reference Effect in Occupation Selection Conditions: Evidences fromBehavior and ERPs.ChineseJournal of Clinical Psychology, 2014,22(2): 218-222.

Yun Chen, YiPing Zhong, HaiBo Zhou, ShanMingZhang, QianBao Tan, Wei Fan. Evidence for Implicit Self-Positivity Bias: AnEvent-Related Brain Potential Study. Experimental Brain Research,2014,232(3):985-994.

Zhong Yiping; FAN Wei; CAI Ronghua;TAN Qianbao; XIAO Lihui; ZHAN Youlong; LUO Xi; QIN Minhui. The Influence of Positive Emotion onthe Degree Effect in Self-referential Processes: Evidence from ERPs. Acta PsychologicaSinica., 2014, 46(3):341−352.

Zhong Yi-pingYANG Qing-songZHOU Xiang-huaLIN Li-yaYANG Xi-zhouYANG Xin-hua. Love and HateAmbivalent AttitudesTowards High-calorie Palatable Foods among Dieters. Chinese Journal of ClinicalPsychology,2013,21(6): 668-671.

Wei Fan, Jie Chen, Xiao-Yan Wang, Ronghua Cai, QianbaoTan, Yun Chen, Qingsong Yang, Shanming Zhang, Yun Wu, Zilu Yang, Xi-Ai Wang, YipingZhong(CA) . Electrophysiological Correlation of the Degree ofSelf-Reference Effect. PLoS ONE, 2013,8(12): e802898.

Zhong YipingZhang YuchiTian SangGuo KeLi WenheYan YupingZhou Luping. ShortTerm Exposure to Violent Media GamesLeads to Sensitization to Violence: an ERP Research. Studies of Psychology and Behavior,2013,11(6):732-738. 

Zhong YipingHuang Bolan. The Influence of PsychologicalDistance on Spontaneous Trait Inference.Journal of Psychological Science, 2013, 36(5):1031-1036.

Zhong Yi-pingYI Wen-ting. Overconfidence EffectHow Would High SchoolStudents Predict Their Examination’s Performance. Journal of Educational Science ofHunan Normal University, 2013,12(5):112-117.

Zhong Yi-ping. The Influence of theLevel of Personal power on Loss Aversion.Journal of Psychological Science, 2013, 36(2):429-433

Zhong Yi-pingZHANG Shan-mingCHEN Yun. Differences of Interpersonal SensitivityBetween High-power People and Low-power People.Journal of Psychological Science, 2013,21(1):62-65.

Zhong YipingChen Haihong. The Effects of PsychologicalDistance on Judging Moral Behavior.Psychological Exploration, 2013,33(1):43-46.

Zhong YipingFan WeiZhou LupingXiao LihuiWang XiaoyanZhang XiaoyiLong TengYan Zhixiong. The Spatiotemporal Features of Self --Referential Processing: Evidence of ERPs. Journal of Psychological Science, 2012,35(5):1039-1046.

Zhong YipingDeng MianlinXiao Lihui. The Effects of Belief in a JustWorld on Memory Bias.Journalof Psychological Science,2012, 35(6):1323-1327

Zhong Yi-Ping; CHEN Yun; ZHANGShan-Ming; YANG Qing-Song. The Mechanism and Variability of Implicit Self-positivity Bias.Advances in Psychological Science, 2012,20 (12): 1908-1919.

CHEN YunZhong Yi-ping ZHOU Hai-bo ZHOU Lu-ping WANG Xiao-yan. An ERP Study on ImplicitSelf-positivity Bias Effect.Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,2012,20(3):297-300.

Zhong Yi-pingCHEN Wen-long. The Effects of PsychologicalDistance on Judging Immoral Behavior. Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University,2012,11(2):96-99.

Wei Fan, Youxue Zhang, Xia Wang, Xiaoyan Wang, XiaoyiZhang, Yiping Zhong (CA) .The temporal features of self-referentialprocessing evoked by national flag. Neuroscience Letters. 2011,505:233–237.

Zhong Yi-pingZHANG Xiao-yiFAN Wei. On-line Orthographic ActivationEffect in Chinese Two-character Auditory Words Recognition—Evidence from ERP.Chinese Journal of ClinicalPsychology,2011,19(4): 437-440.

Zhong Yi-pingLEI XiaoQU Wei-guo. The Impact of Familiarity on ChineseIdioms Comprehensionan Event- related Brain Potential Study. Journal of Educational Science ofHunan Normal University, 2011,10(4): 116-120.

Zhong YipingZhang Zhi. The Influence of Spatio-temporalDistance and Type of Feature on Attitude toward Objects.Psychological Exploration, 2011,31(3): 230-233.

Zhong Yiping; Zhou Haibo. SalienceInfluences Metaphor Comprehension: An ERP study.Journal of Psychological Science, 2011, 34(3):527-531.

Zhong Yiping, Fan Wei, Zhao Ke, ZhouHaibo. The Temporal ProgressDifference of Emotional Prosody in Real /Pseudo-Sentence Processing: Evidencefrom an ERP Study.Journalof Psychological Science, 2011, 34(2):312-316.

Zhong Yiping; Fan Wei; Zhang Di. TheNeural Mechanisms of Human Social Cognition: Evidence from Social Brain.Journal ofPsychological Science,2011, 34(1):210-214.

Zhong Yi-pingZHANG LeiYE Yi-jin. Words FrequencyVisual and PhonologicalSimilarity Effects in Chinese Characters’ Immediate Serial Recall. Journal of EducationalScience of Hunan Normal University, 2010, 9(6): 96-99.

Zhong YipingChen Zhiyong. Position Distinctiveness and Way ofPresentation Affect Reconstruction Of Order in Immediate Episodic Memory.Psychological Exploration,2010,30(5):34-39.

Zhong Yiping; Peng Weiwei. The Effectof Event Outcome on Hindsight Bias in Legal decision-making.Journal ofPsychological Science, 2010,33(4): 994-996.

Zhong Yiping, Chen Yun, Zhou Luping,Zhou Haibo.An ERP Study on Self-positivity Bias.Journal of Psychological Science, 2010,33(3):560-563.

Zhong Yiping, Xie Siyuan, Zhou Luping. The Attitudinal ambivalence ofcognition to hepatitis patients group: Evidence from Behavior and ERP. Studiesof Psychology and Behavior, 2009,7(4): 241-246.

Zhong Yiping, Li Liang. The Influence of ExplicitCompetitive Attitude on Implicit Competitiveness and Cooperation.Psychological Exploration, 2009,29(6): 71-74.

Zhong Yi-pingWANG Wei-yuZHOU Hai-bo. TONG Zhen. In-group andOut-group Attitudes and Implicit Collective Self-esteem Effect of Soldiers.Chinese Journal of ClinicalPsychology.2009, 17(6): 672-674.

WANG Wei-yuZhong Yi-pingTONG ZhenZHOU Hai-bo. Influence of Group Size and TeamHornor to Implicit Collective Self-esteem of Soldiers on the Importance toIdentity, Chinese Journal ofClinical Psychology. 2009,17(6):675-677. 

Ke Zhao, Jiajin Yuan, Yiping Zhong (CA), YunshiPeng, Jie Chen, Luping Zhou,Wei Fan, Haibo Zhou.Event-Related PotentialCorrelates of the Collective Self-relevant Effect. Neuroscience Letters,2009, 464:57-61. (SCI, IF = 2.2)

Zhong Yiping, Shen Juan , Wu Kun.Influences of Temporal Distance on the Framing Effect in Risky-choice Tasks. Journal of PsychologicalScience,2009, 32(4):920-922.

Zhong Yi-pingTAN Qian-bao. System Independency of Self-cognition Processing and Its Question. Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University. 2009,8(1): 87-90.

Hong Dongmei, ZhongYiping. The Time Course ofProcessing Chinese Word-class Information During Speech Production. Journal of PsychologicalScience,2008,31(4).

Yang Qingsong, Zhong Yiping. ERP and Attitude Research.Journal of Psychological Science, 2008,31(2): 415-417.

Zhong Yiping, Li zhihua. Anevent-related potential study on implicit attitude processes.The XXIXInternational Congress of Psychology ICP 2008(Berlin, Germany) ,346-347, 2008/8(SSCI).Conference,2008.

Zhong Yi-ping, QU Wei- guo. Brain Processing of Nonliter alLanguage: ERP Researches. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2008,16(1):103-94.

Zhong Yiping, Xu Huali, Zhang Chengzhi. The Stroop Effect of Pseudo-ChineseCharacters: Radical Information Influences the Naming of Colors.Journal of Psychological Science200730(6):1295-1298.

He Xiangyang, ZhongYiping. An Experimental Researchon the Relationship of the Times and Location of Stimulation with the MereExposure Effect.Journalof Psychological Science, 2007, 30(6): 1457-1459.

Zhong Yiping, Sheng Yuzhong, Zhang Jie. The Emotional Stroop Effect:Evidence from Chinese Characters. Journal of Psychological Science, 2007,30 (4) : 778 – 781.

Zhong Yiping, Tan Qianbao, Fang Liu. A Comparative Study on the SocialCognitive Ability of Deaf Students and Normal Students.Journal of Psychological Science, 2006,29(1):73-75.

Zhong Yiping, Tan Qianbao, Fang Liu. A Research on the Development ofSocial Respective Taking of Students with Hearing Impairment. Journal ofPsychological Science, 2005,28(2):308-310.

Zhong Yiping. A Study of therelationship between phonological and orthographic processing and ChineseCharacter reading of bilingual children of Hong Kong. Journal of PsychologicalScience,2002,25(2): 173-176.

Zhong Yiping. A review of theinfluence of modern social cognition on the study of attitude. Journal of PsychologicalScience,1999,22(1): 50-53.

Zhong YiPing. The self andself-representation in social cognition. Journal of Northwest NormalUniversity (Social Sciences), 1999,36(4):60-64.

Zhong YiPing, Yang Zhiliang. A study on priming effect ofimpression formation in implicit social cognition. Acta Psychologica Sinica., 1998,30(1):21-26.

Zhong YiPing, Yang Zhiliang. Study on the primingeffect of impression formation: frequency and proximate effect. Journal of PsychologicalScience,1998,21(5):425-428.

Zhong YiPing. A study on emotionalfactors in the priming effect of impression formation. The Eighth AnnualConference on Chinese Psychology (Suzhou), 1997:145-146.

Zhong Yiping, Chen Mengxi. A study onmemory and cognitive representation of social information in the formation ofimpressions. Journal of Psychological Science, 1997,20(6):530-535.

Zhong Yiping, Gao Dingguo. Review Onthe Wyer’s social cognitive modelJournal of Psychological Science,1995,18(2):103-107.

Zhong YiPing, Yang Zhiliang. A review of the researchon the priming effect of nonverbal information. Journal of Psychological Science,1995,18(4):225-229. 

Zhong YiPing, Yang Zhiliang. A study of implicit memory ofnon-verbal in formation: Effects of size and color of three-dimensional objectson implicit and explicit memory.Journal of Psychological Science, 1993,16(6): 326-331. 

Zhong Yiping, Gao Dingguo. An experimentalstudy on the effect of the smell on memory performance. Journal of PsychologicalScience,1992,15(1):16-21.

Publications and textbooks

Zhong Yiping. An analysis ofFestinger's Thoughts on interpersonal relations. Beijing: People's EducationPress, 2017.

Zhong Yiping. Social cognitivepsychology. Beijing: Educational Science Press, 2012.

Zhong Yiping, Ye Maolin. Advancedcognitive psychology course. Anhui Education Press, 2009.

Zhong Yiping. Psychology. Shanghai:Shanghai Jiao Tong University press, 2009.

Zhong Yiping, Tan Qianbao. A Research on the SocialCognition and Development of Social Students with Hearing Impairment. Changsha: Hunan EducationPress,2007.

Zhong Yiping. Psychology. Changsha:Hunan Education Press, 2005.

Zhong YipingLiu zhijun. EducationalPsychology. Changsha: Hunan Education Press, 2003.

Zhong Yiping. The study of socialbehavior -- The theory and practice of modern social cognition. Changsha:Hunan Education Press, 1999.

Zhong Yiping. Sensory memory. See thebook edited by Yang Zhiliang, Memory psychology. Shanghai: East China NormalUniversity Press, 1994:33-56.

Zhong Yiping. The middle schoolstudents' psychological consultation series books. Zhongnan IndustrialUniversity Press, 1999.

Zhong Yiping. Able to perform wonders --Psychology of Studying and intelligence development. Zhongnan IndustrialUniversity Press, 1999.

Academic Awards

²    The second prize in the thirteenth outstanding achievement of philosophyand Social Sciences in Hunan provinceTitle: “The study on the Self reference processing andthe degree effect”),Hunan provincial Party committee of theCommunist Party of China The People'sGovernment of Hunan Province2017

²    The first prize in the twelfth outstanding achievement of philosophy andSocial Sciences in Hunan provinceTitle: “Social cognitive psychology”),Hunan provincial Party committee of the Communist Party of China The People'sGovernment of Hunan Province2016.

²    The First prize inteaching achievements of Hunan UniversityThe Education Department of Hunan Province2004Title“University + NormalSchool” Theoretical research and practice exploration of teacher educationmodelRank:1st

²    The Third prize inteaching achievements of Hunan UniversityThe Education Department of Hunan Province2002Title“Using the advantages ofeducational technology, creating IT teaching resources and exploring the way ofdigital learning”Rank:1st

²    The three prize in theachievements of the sixth basic education and research reform in Hunan ProvinceThe Education Departmentof Hunan Province2002Title“Middle school students' psychologicalconsultation”Rank:1st

²    Excellent teachers inHunan ProvinceThe People'sGovernment of Hunan Province2001

²    The second prize inexcellent academic papers of Natural Science in HunanHunan science andTechnology Association1998Title“A study on memory andcognitive representation of social information in the formation of impressions”Rank:1st


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