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Jiashu Xie

Editor:湖南师大教科院 Date:2022-10-17 Views:

Jiashu Xie,Ph.D.,Prof.

Department of Psychology,

Educational College in Hunan Normal University,

Changsha, Hunan 410081, China

Email: xjiashu@hunnu.edu.cn



2005.07-         Hunan Normal University

2012.07-2013.07 Middle Tennessee State University, USA, Visiting Scholar

2002,9-2005, 6 Research Center of Clinical Psychology, The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, China, Ph.D. in Clinical psychology

1999,9-2002, 6 Hunan Normal University, China, M.Ed. in Development and Educational psychology



American Positive Discipline Registered Family & School Instructor

National secondary psychological consultant



focuses on school psychology, especially in Bullying and adolescents Social and Emotional health (Covitality)



Member of the School Bullying and Violence Prevention Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society

Member of the Behavioral Assessment and Diagnosis Group of the Chinese Medical Association;

Deputy Director of the Clinical and Consultation Committee of the Hunan Psychological Society

Member of the Psychology Ethics Committee of the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University

Selected Publications

·         1Jiashu Xie, ShujiaoYao, Li Jiang. Reliability and Validity of Adaptive Skill Rating Scale for School-aged Children, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2007,03:223-226.

·         2Jiashu Xie,LiangshiYan. Development of self-regulated Learning Skill Rating Scale for College StudentsChinese Mental Health Journal,2004,02:94-96.

·         3Shujiao Yao, JiashuXie. Development of Adaptive Skill Rating Scale for School-aged Children, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,2006,02:111-114.

·         4Liangshi Yan, ShujiaoYao, Jiashu Xie, Yu Ling. On Chinese People Sensibility of Face, Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University,2007,06:119-123.

·         5Jiashu Xie, Zhe Han. A Study on Self-regulated Learning Skill of College Students, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,2008,02:443-445.

·         6Liangshi Yan, JiashuXie. Brain and Creative Making, Journal of Social Science of Hunan NormalUniversity,2001,01:77-83.

·         7Liangshi Yan, JiashuXie. On Creative Makings Education in Information Society, Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University,2000,06:85-91.

·         8Ying Wang, Jiashu Xie. Field Dependence Learning Style: A Review, Journal of Higher Education Research.2003,04:26-28.

·         9Jiashu Xie, Jie Li, Change Yi, Dengduo Lin. Life Events and Life Satisfaction: Mediating Effect of Resilience in Junior High School Students, Chinese Journal of ClinicalPsychology,2014,422676-679.

·         10Seth J. MarshallRong Gong, Jiashu Xie, A Comparison of U.S. and Chinese Students’ Perceptions of School Climate, National Association of School Psychologists 2014 Annual Convention, Washington DC , February 18–21.

·         11Yanhuo Yin, Yongbo Li,Jiashu Xie. Present Situation Investigation and Analysis of Social Anxiety on High School Students of Hunan Rural Area, Educational Measurement and Evaluate,2011,01:39-42.

·         12Xiaoling Fan , Cuiping Yang, Jiashu Xie, Luping Zhou. Reliability and Validity of Learning Adaptability Scale for Primary School students, Educational Measurement and Evaluate,2013,06:4-7.

·         13Jiashu Xie, Ji Han. A Study on Self-regulated Learning Skill of College Students, Chinese Journal of ClinicalPsychology,2008,04:443-445.

·         14Jiashu Xie, YongxiaoLv, GeorgeG. Bear, Chunyan Yang, Seth J. Marshall,Rong Gong. Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of Delaware Bullying Victimization  Scale-student, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,2015,423594-596.

·         15Jiashu Xie, Yongxiao Lv, Kun Ma, Lu Xie, George G. Bear, Chunyan Yang, Seth J. Marshall, Rong Gong. Reliability and Validity of The Chinese Version of Delaware School Climate Survey-Student, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,2016,224250-253.

·         16Jiashu Xie, Lu Xie, Chunyan Yang, George G. Bear, Yu Lin. A Comparative Study of Bullying Victimization in Chinese and American Adolescents, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,2016,4(24)705-709.

·         17Xiaoling Fan, Xiu Hu, Jiashu Xie, Fusheng Xie. Reliability and Validity of Learning Satisfaction Scale for Primary School students, Educational Measurement and Evaluate,2013,04:26-29.

·         18Xie-Jiashu , Xiao-Shuaijun, Chunyan Yang, George G.Bear, A Comparative Study of Perceptions of School Climate in Chinese and American Adolescents, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,2017 ,4(25):714-718

·         19Xie jiashu,Liu shan,Chunyan Yang,MichaelJ. Furlong, Chinese Version of Social and Emotional Health Survey - Secondary; Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,2017627:1012-1016.

·         20Xie Jia-shu,  MeiLi ,School Climate and Bullying Victimization: Mediating Effect of Student Engagement in Secondary School Students, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,2018126:113-117.

·         21Xiejiashu, Wei yumin, George Bear ,Revision and preliminary application of Chinese Version of Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale-student in adolescents ,Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,20182.

·         22Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Chen, D.*, He, X., Xie, J., & Huang, X. (2018). Differences in school climate and student engagement in China and the United States. School Psychology Quarterly, 201833(2), 323-335.  

·         23Chunyan Yang,Chun Chen,Lyndsay Jenkins,Stephanie S. Fredrick,Jia -Shu Xie,Amanda B.Nickerson.Teacher victimization by students in China: A multilevel analysis,Aggressive Behavior,2019,45(2):169-180. impact factor20182.548

·         24Yang, C., Chen, C.*, Xie, J., & Wang, C. Teacher victimization and subjective wellbeing: Moderating role of school climate. Presentation proposal submitted to the 16th ISQOLS Annual Conference, Hong Kong.  2018.06

·         25Chunyan Yang,Stephanie Secord Fredrick,Amanda B.Nickerson,Lyndsay N.Jenkins,Jia-Shu Xie. Initial Development and Validation of the Multi -dimensional Teacher Victimization Scale, School Psychology,2019,34(2): 244-252.

·         26Yang, C., Wang, C. & Xie, J. (2017, August). Promote students’ resilience towards bullying victimization: A cross-cultural perspective. Paper to be presented at the Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.

·         27Yang, C., Chen, C.*, & Xie, J.. The development and validation of Multidimensional Teacher Victimization Scale. Presentation proposal submitted to the 2018 Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, San Francisco.  

·         28Yang, C., Wang, C. & Xie, J. (2017, August). Promote students’ resilience towards bullying victimization: A cross-cultural perspective. Paper to be presented at the Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.

·         29XIE Jia-shu, LIU Shan, Chunyan Yang, Michael J. Furlong, Cixin Wang, Dengting Boyanton, DENG Jing-rongValidation of the Social and Emotional Health Survey-Primary for Chinese StudentsChinese Journal of Clinical Psychology2018,326522-527

·         30JiaShu XieLi  MeiChunYan  YangYuMin  WeiBullying victimization and internalizing problems: the moderated mediating role of psychological resilience and school climate among Chinese students ;has been accepted  for Single Paper presentation at the ISPA 2018 Conference,Tokyo.

·         31Jia-shu Xie et al., Applications of Social-Emotional Health Survey – Primary in Intervention Studies in China ,Round Table Title: Universal Monitoring of Students' Positive Mental Wellness: International Approaches,ISPA 2018 Conference,Tokyo.

·         32JiaShu XiePeng ZhejianZhuorong ZhuChunyan Yang,George G.BearChinese Version of Delaware School Climate Scale-Teacher/StaffChinese Journal of Clinical Psychology2018,526891-895

·         33Xiejiashu,Wei yuminZhuorong ZhuPatterns of Bullying Victimization among Adolescents in China:Based on Latent Profile AnalysisPsychological Development and Education 2019.1(35):  95–102IF2018):1.689

·         34XIE Jia-shu, QIN Feng-rong, George Bear, FU Yao;Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of Delaware Student Engagement Scale-StudentChinese Journal of Clinical Psychology2019.227277-281IF2018):1.380

·         35Xie JiashuMei LiThe Impact of Bullying Victimization of Secondary School Students on Their Internalizing Problems: A Moderated Mediation ModelPsychological Exploration2019.439:379-385

·         36XIE Jia-shu; LIN xin-xin;QIN Feng-rongChunyan Yang,George G.BearValidation of the Chinese Version of Delaware Positive, Punitive,and Social-Emotional Learning(SEL) Techniques Scale-studentChinese Journal of Clinical Psychology2019.327524-529

·         37XIE Jia-shu, LIU Jia-qing, WEI Yu-minChunyan Yang,George G.BearWANG Wen-boValidation of the Chinese Version of Delaware Positive, Punitive,and Social-Emotional Learning(SEL) Techniques Scale—TeacherChinese Journal of Clinical Psychology2019.427701-706

·         38Yumin Wei, Jiashu Xie , Zhuorong Zhu,Patterns of Bullying Victimization among Adolescents in China: Based on a Latent Profile Analysis,Best Evidence of Chinese Education,Vol.3, No. 2, November 2019

·         39XIE Jia-shu, SUN Xu-ning, LI Cheng-tao, ZHANG Ying-xiaoChunyan Yang,George G.BearChinese Version of Delaware School Climate Scale-HomeChinese Journal of Clinical Psychology2020.328477-482

·         40SU Jie, ZHU Li-hua, LI Sha, Chunyan YangChunyan Yang,George G.BearJiashu XieRevision of Chinese Version of Delaware School Climate Scale-StudentChinese Journal of Clinical Psychology2021.329544-553

·         41LI Sha, XIE Jia-shu , SU Jie, ZHU Li-huaChunyan Yang,George G.BearChinese Version of Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale-HomeChinese Journal of Clinical Psychology2021.429712-716

·         42Min Fang, Li Zhang, Dachen Pan, Jiashu XieEvaluating a Psychoeducation Program to Foster Chinese Primary School Students’ CovitalityInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health2021.161887039.1

·         43ZHANG Ying-xiao, SUN Xu-ning, XIE Jia-shu, LI Hong-yu, ZOU ShaValidation of the Chinese Version of Psychological Sense of School Membership ScaleChinese Journal of Clinical Psychology2021.6291188-1192

·         44SU Jie, XIE Jia-shu, LI ShaThe Professional Development of Mental Health Education TeachersAbstracts of the 23rd National Conference on Psychology5.9 School Psychology Professional Committee Thesis Group1455-1456

·         45Yang, C., Jenkins, L., Fredrick, S. S., Chen, C., Xie, J. S., & Nickerson, A. B. (2019). Teacher victimization by students in China: A multilevel analysis. Aggressive Behavior, 45(2), 169-180.

·         46Yang, C., Chan, M. K., Nickerson, A. B., Jenkins, L., Xie, J. S., & Fredrick, S. S. (2022). Teacher victimization and teachers' subjective well‐being: Does school climate matter?. Aggressive behavior.

·         47XIE Jia-shu,LIN Lu-lu, Michael J. Furlong,ZHU Li-hua , HE Jian-hui2022. Revision of Chinese Version of Social and Emotional Health Survey-Secondary. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology2022.430893-898


Research Grants

·         1Director:2020National Education Science "13th Five-Year Plan" 2020 annual projectPrevention and intervention of school bullying in primary and secondary schools: from the perspective of teachersNo.BBA200035

·         2Director:2017the Natural Science Foundation Project of Hunan Province : Tracking the relationship between adolescent bullying victimization and depression: a study based on a latent variable mixed growth modelNo.2017JJ2184

·         3Director:2016the Social Science Foundation of Hunan Province: The impact of adolescent bullying victimization on school adaptation: A study based on latent category analysisNo.16YBA275

·         4Director:2016the Hunan Province Education Science “Twelfth Five-year” Plan ProjectA follow-up study on the influence of perceived campus climate on social emotional health and academic performance of senior high school studentsNo. XJK016BXL002

·         5Director:2014the Social Science Foundation of Hunan Province: The relationship between cognitive susceptibility, stress and depression among senior high school students in different school climates: a multi-period autoregressive cross-delay modelNo. 14YBA278

·         6Director:2016Project of Hunan Provincial Department of Education: Intervention study on social emotional health of senior primary school studentsNo. 16C1018

·         7Director:2016Doctoral Foundation of Hunan Normal University: the reliability and validity of School-age Children's Adaptive Skills Rating Scale(No. 060603)

·         8Director:2016Teacher Education Research and Practice Project of Hunan Normal University: intervention of teacher-derived hidden injury: A new perspective of pre-service teacher training from the perspective of new curriculum reformNo.20181407

·         9Director:2016the Hunan Province Education Science “Eleventh Five-year” Plan Projectintervention on College students' self-directed learning abilityNo.XJK06CXL006



We admit PhD students in applied psychology (040200). And we admit students for Master’s degrees in applied psychology (040200), and professional postgraduate students in applied psychology (045400), mental health education (045116) and so on.

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