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Hongjun Yi

Editor:College of Educational science Date:2018-04-10 Views:

Curriculum Vitae of Hongjun Yi

Professor of History of Education and Comparative Education

School of Education Science

Hunan Normal University

Changsha, Hunan, 410081

RESEARCH INTERESTS                                                        

History of Education in Foreign Countries:History of British Education, History of America Education

Comparative and International Education: Education Policy, Higher Education, Teacher Education, Secondary Education, Education Thoughts (Idea), Education and Culture

EDUCATION EXPERIENCE                                                                    

Visiting Scholar, 2013.12-2014.12

Institute of Education, University College of London, UK

Research Adviser: Gary McCulloch

Research topic: History of Educational Thought in Britain

Post-doctoral, 2007.3-2009.4

College of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

Research Adviser: Gang Ding

Research topic: A Cultural Interpretation of Education in England

Doctor of Philosophy, 2000.9-2003.6

College of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

Research Adviser: Jinghuan Shi

Dissertation Title: A Study on British Secondary Education Policy in the Twentieth Century

Master of Education, 1994.9-1997.6

College of Education, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China

Research Adviser: Hanlin Yang

Thesis Title: An Investigation on the History of American Higher Education Development in the Nineteenth Century

Bachelor of Education, 1989.9-1992.6

Faculty of English, Yiyang Normal College, Yiyang City, Hunan Province, China

TEACHING EXPERIENCE                                                                            

Hunan University of Science and Technology (2003.7-2007.1)

lUndergraduate Course Taught: History of Chinese Education, History of Western Education

lGraduate Course Taught: Selected Readings on the Foreign Educational Classics, A Study on the Foreign Modern Education Schools

lGuidance on Undergraduate Graduation Thesis and Master Graduate Student Graduation Thesis

Hunan Normal University (2009.4-Today)

lUndergraduate Course Taught: History of Western Education

lGraduate Course Taught: Selected Readings on the Foreign Educational Classics, A Study on the Contemporary Education Thoughts and Schools

lDoctor Course Taught: Comparative Education Thought of China and Foreign Countries

lSupervise Undergraduate, Master and Doctoral students

SELECTED PUBLICATIONS                                                    



History of Educational Thought in Britain. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press. PP.533.


A Study on the British Higher Education Policy After World WarⅡ.Changsha: Hunan Normal University Press. PP.396.


A Cultural Interpretation of British Education. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press. PP.298.   


From Conflict to Fusion: A Study on British Secondary Education Policy in Twenty Century. Changsha: Hunan Education Press. PP.572.

Book Chapters


New Conservatism(Neo Liberalism)Education Trend of Thought. In Zhu, Xudong(editor), Research on the new ideological trend of modern western education. Beijing: Peoples Education Press.   


Education Thoughts and Ideological Trend in the Mid and Late Twentieth Century. In Zhang, Bingxian(editor), History of Education Thoughts in Foreign Countries. Beijing: Higher Education Press.


Education Experiments in German from the Eighteenth Century to the Middle of Nineteenth Century; Experimental Education Schools; Some Important Education Experiments during the Progressive Education Movement in America. In Yang, Hanlin(editor), History of Education Experiment in Foreign Countries. Beijing: Peoples Education Press.


Degree and Postgraduate Education in Modern British. In zhou, Hongyu(editor), History of Degree and Postgraduate. Beijing: Higher Education Press.

Papers (from 2005)

1.   Hongjun,Yi.(2017). In Defense of the British Classical Education, Renmin University of China Education Journal, Vol. 25, No.1, 2017.

2.   Hongjun,Yi.(2017). Scientific research at early modern European universitiesChinese Studies in History(A&HCI)Vol.50, No.1,2017.

3.   Hongjun,Yi, etc.(2017). From Liberal Arts to the Freedom of Personality: the Modern Turning of the Western Liberal Education, Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University, Vol. 16, No.3, 2017.

4.   Hongjun,Yi.(2016). From Elyot to Locke: Formation of British Gentlemen Education System, Journal of Guizhou University(social sciences), Vol. 34, No.3, 2016.

5.  Hongjun,Yi, etc.(2016). Liberty, Happiness and Education: Three Elements of Mills Utilitarianism Thought, Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University, Vol. 45, No.5, 2016.

6.   Hongjun,Yi, etc.(2015). Winnetka System and Its Experiment in China, Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method, Vol. 35, No.12, 2015.

7.   Hongjun,Yi.(2015). Modern Innovation of University Spirit in UK, Tsinghua Journal of Education, Vol. 36, No.5, 2015.

8.   Hongjun,Yi.(2014). Discussing on the Thoughts System of Herbarts Ethics, Journal of Science of Hunan Normal University, Vol. 43, No.5, 2014.

9.   Hongjun,Yi.(2014). From Science Education to Scientific Education: Modern Natural Science Influences on Education, Journal of South China Normal University, Sum. 207, No.1, 2014.

10.  Hongjun,Yi.(2013). Vico on University Humanistic Education: Self-knowing, Wisdom, Knowledge, Cultivating Morality, Journal of China University of Geosciences, Vol. 13, No.6, 2013.

11.  Hongjun,Yi.(2013).  Review of Project Teaching Method’”, Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method, Vol.33, No.7, 103-109.

12.  Hongjun,Yi.(2012).  The Scientific Research of theEuropean Universities during the Earlier Modern Times, Renmin University of China Education Journal, No.4, 134-144.

13.  Hongjun,Yi.(2012).The Idea and Path of General Education in British Universities, Journal of East China Normal University (Educational Sciences),Vol.30,No.4, 89-95.

14.  Hongjun,Yi.(2012).Analysis on Higher Education Policy of Decision-making Process, Influence Factors and Characteristics in Post-war Britain, University Education Science Bimonthly, Vol.2,40-45.

15.  Hongjun,Yi.(2012).  The Transformation of European Universities During the Religious Reform Period ,  Modern University Education,No.6,58-64.

16.  Hongjun,Yi.(2012). Discussing the logical Starting Point of John Deweys Thoughts of Curriculum and Teaching Materials, Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Science),No.1,120-125.

17..  Hongjun,Yi.(2012).The Internationalization Strategy of Higher Education in UK: The Angle of Student Studying Abroad, Journal of Education Science of Hunan Normal University,Vol.11,No.1, 5-9.

18.  Hongjun,Yi.(2012).Marketization of Higher Education in UK: The Perspective of Financing, Tsinghua Journal of Education, Vol.33,No.3, 89-97.

19.  Hongjun,Yi.(2012).Expansion, Equity and Quality: Policy Orientation of Higher Education Popularization in UK, Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition), Vol.12,No.1, 114-119.

20.  Hongjun,Yi.(2011).  From a Private Docent to a Tenured Professor: A Special Route of Academic Profession in German Universities, Journal of Higher Education, Vol.32, No.2, 102-109.

21.  Hongjun,Yi.(2011). The Modern Transformation of Academic Profession in American Universities, Teacher Education Research, Vol.23,No.3,71-75.

22. Hongjun,Yi.(2010).Academic Capitalism: A New Concept of Higher Education Development in the World, Education & Economy, No.3,54-57.

23.  Hongjun,Yi.(2010). Multi-analysis on the Theory of Educational Fairness in the West, Journal of Education Science of Hunan Normal University,Vol.9,No.4, 5-9.

24.  Hongjun,Yi.(2009). A Cultural Perspective of Educational Modernization in England, Journal of Education Science of Hunan Normal University,Vol.8,No.5, 53-57.

25.  Hongjun,Yi.(2009). The Tradition of Empiricism Influences on the Education in England, Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Science),No.3,106-109.

26.  Hongjun,Yi.(2009).  Scientism and the Development of British Higher Science and Technology Education in Nineteen Century, Modern University Education,No.5,32-38.

27. Hongjun,Yi. (2008).The Conservatism Political Trend of Thoughts and Its Influence on the Educational Reform in England, Journal of East China Normal University (Educational Sciences),Vol.26,No.3, 84-92.

28.  Hongjun,Yi.(2008).Cost-recovery of Higher Education: the Model of UK and Its Inspiration, Education & Economy, No.1, 60-64.

29.  Hongjun,Yi.(2008). Religious Culture and the Transition of British Higher Education, Modern University Education, No.3, 49-54.

30.  Hongjun,Yi.(2008). Public School: the Cradles of Social Best Part in Great Britain, Journal of China University of Geosciences (Social Sciences Edition), Vol.8, No.6, 73-77.

31.  Hongjun,Yi.(2007). Autonomy, freedom and responsibility: Max Webers view on university, Journal of Higher Education, Vol.28, No.4, 97-102.

32.  Hongjun,Yi.(2007).  Explaining Classroom from the Significance of Life, Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Science),No.2, 124-128.

33.  Hongjun,Yi.(2006). Introspection and Reconstruction: Influences of the Post-Modernist on Education, Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Science),No.6, 126-130.

34.  Hongjun,Yi.(2006). Teacher Professional Development from A Perspective of Tacit Knowledge, Teacher Education Research, Vol.18, No.4, 11-15.

35.  Hongjun,Yi.(2006).  Freedom, Equality and Market: Hayeks Liberalism Viewpoints of Education , Forum on Contemporary Education, No.11, 124-126.

36.  Hongjun,Yi.(2005).  On the Vicissitudes of the European Universities during the Period of the Renaissance , Tsinghua Journal of Education, Vol.26,No.3, 40-46.

37.  Hongjun,Yi.(2005).  Study on the Comprehensive Advantages, the Development Models and the Quality Assurance of Teacher Education at Non-normal Universities, Teacher Education Research, Vol.17, No.3, 8-13.

38.  Hongjun,Yi.(2005). Seeking the Equality and Improving the Quality: the Basic Ideas of the Reform on Secondary Education of the Postwar UK, Studies in Foreign Education, Vol.32, No.1, 21-25.

39.  Hongjun,Yi.(2005). Hale University: Heralded University, Journal of Mongolia Normal University (Educational Science), Vol.18, No.1, 1-4.

RESEARCH PROJECTS                                                      

Research Topics

British Educational Thought

British Education and Culture

British Higher Education Policy

British Secondary Education Policy

Current Research Projects

Modern University Spirit in Britain

The Pedigree of British Education Thoughts

The Contemporary Education Trend of Thoughts

Education Policy

Education Equity


Book (2012): A Cultural Interpretation of British Education. Outstanding Achievement Second Prize, Hunan Province Government.

Book (2007): From Conflict to Fusion: A Study on British Secondary Education Policy in Twenty Century. Outstanding Achievement Second Prize, Hunan Province Education Department.

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP                                                                    

lComparative Education Society (China )

lHistory of Education Society (China )
